Taking your business to greater heights with the best skilled talents.


HRD Corp aims to aid businesses in raising productivity, competitiveness and revenue of enterprises and individuals by providing them with the needed skills, dedicated to developing a productive workforce.

Our registered employers can enjoy various training offerings in accordance with their business and industry needs. Beyond that, they will also be able to utilise contributions and special funds from the government.

Access to Structured Training Budget

The levy collected is an additional training budget for employers, especially SMEs, to promote, develop and upgrade the skills of local workers, apprentices and trainees through training grants. These training costs can be claimed by employers upon the completion of the training via grant disbursements from the collection of the Human Resource Development (HRD) levy from its registered employers.

Catalyst for Organisational Productivity

HRD Corp-registered companies can achieve up to 3% increase in productivity through training under the supervision of HRD Corp. This is almost three (3) times more effective in contributing to the organisation’s productivity due to a very well established training ecosystem under HRD Corp.

National Level Recognition for Organisation
HRD Corp provides distinguished recognition to registered employers via HRD Corp awards. This is done to acknowledge the organisations’ efforts in developing human capital for the nation. Through these distinguished awards, employers will be able to attract and recruit more capable workers to join their organisation, due to their dedicated focus on skills and development.
Supply of Quality Training Courses and Delivery Aligned with Industries
Through extensive research and development as well as industry engagements, HRD Corp has amassed over 28 years of data, knowledge and experience in skills and training for a wide range of industries. With guidance by HRD Corp’s industry skills framework and various data analysis, the courses registered and moderated via HRD Corp are evaluated vigorously to ensure that the training bring significant value to the industries.


This system was introduced to implement training programmes based on the identification of business’ needs. It also enables employers to retrain and upskill their employees, in line with the organisation’s current and future operational requirements.