Expanding opportunities through life-long learning


HRD Corp functions as a one stop employment and skills development centre to provide you with the opportunity to skill, reskill and upskill across a wide range of training, placement and career development services.

Malaysians from a wide range of backgrounds, ages, educations and industries can take advantage of HRD Corp services such as HPC, NHRC, and PENJANA HRD Corp.


Unemployed Malaysians

Senior citizen




Existing employee

To upskill and reskill employees in company to have a capable, skilled and competent work force.

Future employee

To recruit new employees to gain specific skills for future job and ultimately be competent employees.

Skilled employee

To upskill and reskill employees in companies to build a capable, skilled and competent work force.


HRD Corp Placement Centre

Employers, Individuals & Training Providers

A one-stop virtual portal that provides employment and income-generating opportunities to Malaysians through job matching and placement, training and development, as well as career counselling and coaching. It is also a great platform for employers to find right candidates to fill immediate vacancies.

National Human Resource Centre

External Stakeholder & Agencies

A think tank to support the national agenda of strengthening Malaysia’s industries by providing the relevant industry sectors with strategic and operational HR competencies. The centre is also responsible for innovative and practical recommendations produced from high-quality, independent research. This will ensure that external stakeholders can become valuable strategic partners for HRD Corp by aligning and integrating all service areas across Human Resource Development and Management.

Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL)

Employers, Training Providers & Individuals

RPEL is a scheme designed to enable Malaysian workers with secondary education or lower to be recognised for their current competencies in particular skill areas based on the standards determined by the Department of Skills Development (DSD) or any equivalent certificates in order to facilitate their career growth. RPEL is one the schemes that allocated under RMK12 funding.


Employers, Training Providers & Current and Former Detainees

An initiative developed in collaboration with the Malaysian Prison Department (JPM) to help current and former detainees by providing them with income-generation and employment opportunities.

SCOPE offers skills development programmes, training as well as placement opportunities to support detainees in securing employment and reintegrating into the labour market and society.