The oil, gas, and energy industry has been instrumental in propelling Malaysia’s economic growth, serving as a cornerstone of its development. These resources have …
HRD Corp - IndSF (Oil, Gas & Energy)

Industrial Skills Framework (IndSF)


1st Edition

IndSF Oil, Gas & Energy 1st Edition was developed in 2019 by HRD Corp’s IndSF Unit in collaboration with:
HRD Corp - IndSF (Oil, Gas & Energy)
HRD Corp - IndSF (Oil, Gas & Energy)
HRD Corp - IndSF (Oil, Gas & Energy)
HRD Corp - IndSF (Oil, Gas & Energy)
HRD Corp - IndSF (Oil, Gas & Energy)
HRD Corp - IndSF (Oil, Gas & Energy)
HRD Corp - IndSF (Oil, Gas & Energy)

2nd Edition

IndSF Oil, Gas & Energy 2nd Edition was successfully developed in 2022 with enhancements to the number of focus areas covered and enriched information on the current development skill sets. This development was made possible by the collaboration between HRD Corp’s IndSF Unit with:
HRD Corp - IndSF (Oil, Gas & Energy)
HRD Corp - IndSF (Oil, Gas & Energy)
The 1st Edition IndSF Oil, Gas, and Energy covered seventeen (17) skill sets. Among these seventeen (17) skills sets, eleven (11) skill sets are further enhanced in the 2nd Edition of the IndSF Oil, Gas and Energy to include existing and new occupational competencies, as well as certification schemes.
IndSF Oil, Gas and Energy 1st Edition:
The 1st Edition covers 264 technical skills, 5 soft skills, and 66 certification programmes for the above skill sets.
IndSF Oil, Gas and Energy 2nd Edition:
The 2nd Edition covers 156 technical skills, 21 soft skills, and 68 certification programmes for the above skill sets.
The first edition of IndSF Oil, Gas, and Energy covered eleven (11) skill sets. These skill sets are further enhanced in the second edition of the document to include existing and new occupational competencies, as well as certification schemes.
The eleven (11) skill sets that has been enhanced are as follows:
HRD Corp - IndSF (Oil, Gas & Energy)
HRD Corp - IndSF (Oil, Gas & Energy)
The second edition covers
156 technical skills
21 soft skills
68 certification programmes
for the above skill sets.
The oil, gas, and energy industry has been instrumental in propelling Malaysia’s economic growth, serving as a cornerstone of its development. These resources have fuelled various sectors, contributing significantly to the country’s revenue and overall progress. Furthermore, the anticipated release of the updated IndSF Oil, Gas, and Energy document is poised to provide a substantial boost to the industry. By offering updated competency requirements and industry-relevant training content, this updated document will support and enhance the overall sustainability and efficiency of the oil, gas, and energy industry.
The oil, gas, and energy industry has been instrumental in propelling Malaysia’s economic growth, serving as a cornerstone of its development. These resources have fuelled various sectors, contributing significantly to the country’s revenue and overall progress. Furthermore, the anticipated release of the 2nd Edition IndSF Oil, Gas, and Energy document is poised to provide a substantial boost to the industry. By offering updated competency requirements and industry-relevant training content, this updated document will support and enhance the overall sustainability and efficiency of the oil, gas, and energy industry. The IndSF document comprises three (3) fundamental components within the industry:
The IndSF Document can be downloaded at this link: